Thousands of Yidden are now home from work, school, or Yeshiva – whether due to school closures, quarantine, or government order. This translates into tens of thousands of hours of time. Hours during which we can accomplish so much.
In response to this "new normal", we have rolled out a special B’Shivticha B’veisecha initiative, filling your day with meaning, accomplishment, and the protection that limud hatorah brings.
B’Shivticha B’veisecha will be providing stimulating programming as you learn through a new sugya each week, including exciting shiurim by prominent rabbonim and roshei yeshiva, who expound further on the subject you have just learned. All source material needed to learn the sugya is compiled in a single booklet. This single booklet enables one to learn the entire sugya in depth, guided by detailed explanations, footnotes, pointers, and more.
Cover the Gemaros, Poskim, Lomdus, Teshuvos and Halacha L’Ma’aseh, with our easy-to-use learning model. Your understanding of mitzvos will be brought to a whole new level!
Rav Shimon Alster, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of Cliffwood (NJ) and Rav of Bais Medrash Torah U'Tefilah in Flatbush (Brooklyn, NY)
Rabbi Shmuel Felder
Senior Posek - Beth Medrash Govoha